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Culture eats strategy for lunch.

“If you don’t invest in the culture, you’re never going to be able to execute strategy,” said Kena Wolf who invested in a HUMAN Healthy Vending franchise with her husband, Ryan, in the Kansas City, MO community. Why is culture so important and why did that drive the Wolfs’ decision to launch a franchise with HUMAN?
Click above to watch Kena & Ryan Wolf describe why they chose HUMAN Healthy Vending over the competition and why they believe their new business will bring positive change to their lifestyles and to their community.

Watch the above video if you want to learn:

  • Why culture is everything and why the HUMAN culture resonates with people who have a greater purpose in life
  • How you can learn everything about a franchisor’s core values in one simple step
  • What personal mantra motivates the Wolfs and how it aligns with HUMAN’s core values
  • How the Wolfs are hoping their HUMAN franchise will change their lifestyles
  • Why the Wolfs believe HUMAN’s social mission is transforming the way people eat across the globe

One of the most important take-aways from the Wolfs’ video is their clear passion for the cause. As we say at HUMAN, the “why” is more important than the “what” or “how.” We’re so happy to have two incredible new franchisees join our family.

Would you like to learn more about how you could be a part of our HUMAN family? Please click here. We’d love to get to know you and answer all of your questions.

What do you think is your greater purpose and how can you align that with what you do in life? What is you “why”?

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